V.K. Nevolin Quantum Physics and Nanotechnology
I. I. Bobrinetskii, K.V. Gorshkov, V.K. Nevolin, K. A. Tsarik. Formation of Integrated Nanosized Graphene Structures by Focused Ion_Beam Etching. Electrophoresis in the tasks of purifying, separating, and integrating carbon nanotubes // Nanotechnologies in Russia, 2010, Volume 5, Numbers 5-6. P. 313-319.
I. I. Bobrinetskii, A. N. Kolerov and V. K. Nevolin Intracavity laser spectroscopy for the identification of nanomedia // Technical Physics Letters, 2009, Volume 35, Number 9. [pdf]
S. A. Ageeva, I. I. Bobrinetskii, V. K. Nevolin, V. M. Podgaetskii, S. V. Selishchev, M. M. Simunin, V. I. Konov and V. V. Savranskii Nanotube-based three-dimensional albumin composite obtained using continuous laser radiation // Semiconductors, 2009, Volume 43, Number 13. [pdf]
I. I. Bobrinetskii, V. N. Kukin, V. K. Nevolin and M. M. Simunin Carbon nanomaterial studied by atomic-force and electron microscopies // Semiconductors, 2008,Volume 42, Number 13. [pdf]
V. M. Podgaetsky, S. V. Selishchev, I. I. Bobrinetskii and V. K. Nevolin Volumetric nanodesign by new laser method. Application for medical purposes // Optical Memory & Neural Networks, 2008, Volume 17, Number 2. [pdf]
I. I. Bobrinetskii, V. K. Nevolin and M. M. Simunin Production of carbon nanotubes by catalytic gas-phase pyrolysis of ethanol // Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering, 2007, Volume 41, Number 5. [pdf]
Yu. A. Chaplygin, V. K. Nevolin and S. V. Khartov Ballistic molecular conductors in an epoxy matrix // Doklady Physics, 2007, Volume 52, Number 2. [pdf]
V. K. Nevolin Thermal effect on anode during field electron emission from cathode // Technical Physics Letters, 2006, Volume 32, Number 12. [pdf]
I. I. Bobrinetskii, V. K. Nevolin, S. V. Khartov and Yu. A. Chaplygin // Field-modulated conductivity in quasi-one-dimensional molecular conductors // Technical Physics Letters, 2005, Volume 31, Number 10. [pdf]
I. I. Bobrinetskii, V. K. Nevolin, A. A. Stroganov and Yu. A. Chaplygin Controlling Electrical Transport through Bundles of Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes // Russian Microelectronics, 2004, Volume 33, Number 5. [pdf]
I. I. Bobrinetskii, V. K. Nevolin, V. I. Petrik, A. A. Stroganov and Yu. A. Chaplygin The atomic structure of nanotubes synthesized from a carbon mix of high reaction ability // Technical Physics Letters, 2003, Volume 29, Number 4. [pdf]
I. I. Bobrinetskii, V. K. Nevolin, V. I. Petrik and Yu. A. Chaplygin Current–Voltage Characteristics of Two-Electrode Elements with Carbon Nanotubes // Russian Microelectronics, 2003, Volume 32, Number 2. [pdf]
G. B. Galiev, V. I. Kaminskii, V. G. Mokerov, V. K. Nevolin, V. V. Saraikin and Yu. V. Slepnev Investigation of distribution and redistribution of silicon in thin doped gallium-arsenide layers grown by molecular beam epitaxy on substrates with (100), (111)Ga, and (111)As orientations // Semiconductors, 2000, Volume 34, Number 7. [pdf]
V. K. Nevolin Negative differential conductance of quasi-one-dimensional contacts // Technical Physics Letters,1998, Volume 24, Number 6. [pdf]
V. K. Nevolin, V. A. Osadkin and T. D. Shermergor Electron work function and electronic affinity of intrinsic semiconductors // Russian Physics Journal, 1985, Volume 28, Number 12. [pdf]
V. K. Nevolin Electron affinity for intrinsic semiconductors // Russian Physics Journal, 1982, Volume 25, Number 9. [pdf]