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Vladimir Nevolin

Quantum physics and nanoelectronics
National Research University Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology


V.K. Nevolin Quantum Physics and Nanotechnology
I. I. Bobrinetskii, K.V. Gorshkov, V.K. Nevolin, K. A. Tsarik. Formation of Integrated Nanosized Graphene Structures by Focused Ion_Beam Etching. Electrophoresis in the tasks of purifying, separating, and integrating carbon nanotubes // Nanotechnologies in Russia, 2010, Volume 5, Numbers 5-6. P. 313-319.

I. I. Bobrinetskii, A. N. Kolerov and V. K. Nevolin Intracavity laser spectroscopy for the identification of nanomedia // Technical Physics Letters, 2009, Volume 35, Number 9. [pdf]

S. A. Ageeva, I. I. Bobrinetskii, V. K. Nevolin, V. M. Podgaetskii, S. V. Selishchev, M. M. Simunin, V. I. Konov and V. V. Savranskii Nanotube-based three-dimensional albumin composite obtained using continuous laser radiation // Semiconductors, 2009, Volume 43, Number 13. [pdf]

I. I. Bobrinetskii, V. N. Kukin, V. K. Nevolin and M. M. Simunin Carbon nanomaterial studied by atomic-force and electron microscopies // Semiconductors, 2008,Volume 42, Number 13. [pdf]

V. M. Podgaetsky, S. V. Selishchev, I. I. Bobrinetskii and V. K. Nevolin Volumetric nanodesign by new laser method. Application for medical purposes // Optical Memory & Neural Networks, 2008, Volume 17, Number 2. [pdf]

I. I. Bobrinetskii, V. K. Nevolin and M. M. Simunin Production of carbon nanotubes by catalytic gas-phase pyrolysis of ethanol // Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering, 2007, Volume 41, Number 5. [pdf]

Yu. A. Chaplygin, V. K. Nevolin and S. V. Khartov Ballistic molecular conductors in an epoxy matrix // Doklady Physics, 2007, Volume 52, Number 2. [pdf]

V. K. Nevolin Thermal effect on anode during field electron emission from cathode // Technical Physics Letters, 2006, Volume 32, Number 12. [pdf]

I. I. Bobrinetskii, V. K. Nevolin, S. V. Khartov and Yu. A. Chaplygin // Field-modulated conductivity in quasi-one-dimensional molecular conductors // Technical Physics Letters, 2005, Volume 31, Number 10. [pdf]

I. I. Bobrinetskii, V. K. Nevolin, A. A. Stroganov and Yu. A. Chaplygin Controlling Electrical Transport through Bundles of Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes // Russian Microelectronics, 2004, Volume 33, Number 5. [pdf]

I. I. Bobrinetskii, V. K. Nevolin, V. I. Petrik, A. A. Stroganov and Yu. A. Chaplygin The atomic structure of nanotubes synthesized from a carbon mix of high reaction ability // Technical Physics Letters, 2003, Volume 29, Number 4. [pdf]

I. I. Bobrinetskii, V. K. Nevolin, V. I. Petrik and Yu. A. Chaplygin Current–Voltage Characteristics of Two-Electrode Elements with Carbon Nanotubes // Russian Microelectronics, 2003, Volume 32, Number 2. [pdf]

G. B. Galiev, V. I. Kaminskii, V. G. Mokerov, V. K. Nevolin, V. V. Saraikin and Yu. V. Slepnev Investigation of distribution and redistribution of silicon in thin doped gallium-arsenide layers grown by molecular beam epitaxy on substrates with (100), (111)Ga, and (111)As orientations // Semiconductors, 2000, Volume 34, Number 7. [pdf]

V. K. Nevolin Negative differential conductance of quasi-one-dimensional contacts // Technical Physics Letters,1998, Volume 24, Number 6. [pdf]

V. K. Nevolin, V. A. Osadkin and T. D. Shermergor Electron work function and electronic affinity of intrinsic semiconductors // Russian Physics Journal, 1985, Volume 28, Number 12. [pdf]

V. K. Nevolin Electron affinity for intrinsic semiconductors // Russian Physics Journal, 1982, Volume 25, Number 9. [pdf]
Grade: Member

Member since June 22, 2011
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