X.Oriols and J.Mompart "Introduction to Bohminan Mechanics" chapter from the book Applied Bohmian Mechanics: from Nanoscale System to Cosmology from editorial Panstanford ISBN: 978-981-4316-39-2
F.L.Traversa, E.Buccafurri, A.Alarcón,G.Albareda, R.Clerc, F.Calmon, A.Poncet, X.Oriols “Time-Dependent Many-Particle Simulation for Resonant Tunneling Diodes: Interpretation of an Analytical Small-Signal Equivalent Circuit ” IEEE Transaction on Electron Devices, 58, 2104 - 2112 (2011)
G. Albareda, H. López, X. Cartoixà, J. Suñé, and X. Oriols "Time-dependent boundary conditions with lead-sample Coulomb correlations: Application to classical and quantum nanoscale electron device simulators" Phys. Rev. B 82, 085301 (2010)
G. Albareda, X. Saura, X. Oriols, J. Suñé "Many-particle transport in the channel of quantum wire double-gate field-effect transistors with charged atomistic impurities" Journal of Applied Physics 108, 043706 (2010)
A.Alarcón, X.Cartoixà and X.Oriols Towards the explicit computation of Bohm velocities associated to N-electrons wave-functions with arbitrary spin-orientations” Physica Status Solidi C DOI: 10.1002/pssc.200983841 (2010)
G.Albareda, J.Suñé and X.Oriols "Many-particle Hamiltonian for open systems with full Coulomb interaction: Application to classical and quantum time-dependent simulations of nanoscale electron devices” Physical Review B,79, 075315 (2009).Excellence award PREI 2009
A. Alarcón and X.Oriols “Computation of quantum electron transport with local current conservation using quantum trajectories,” Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2009, P01051 (2009)
G.Albareda, D.Jimenez and X.Oriols “Intrinsic noise in aggressively scaled field-effect transistors,”Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2009, P01044 (2009)
H. López, X. Oriols, J. Suñé, and X. Cartoixà " Spin-dependent injection model for Monte Carlo device simulation" Journal of Appl. Phys. 104(7), 073702 (2008).
H. López, X. Oriols, J. Suñé, and X. Cartoixà “High-frequency behavior of the Datta–Das spin transistor” Appl. Phys. Lett. 93 193502 (2008).
X. Oriols, F.Boano and A. Alarcón "Self-consistent coupling between driven electron tunneling and electromagnetic propagation at terahertz frequencies" Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 222107 (2008).
G.Albareda, J.Suñé and X.Oriols "Monte Carlo simulations of nanometric devices beyond the “mean-field” approximation” Journal of computational Electronics, 7(3), 197 (2008)
H.Lòpez, G.Albareda, X.Cartoixà, J.Suñé and X.Oriols "Boundary conditions with Pauli exclusion and charge neutrality: Application to the Monte Carlo simulation of ballistic nanoscale devices” Journal of computational Electronics, 7( 3) , 213 (2008)
X. Oriols, "Quantum-trajectory approach to time-dependent transport in mesoscopic systems with electron-electron interactions" Phys. Rev. Lett., vol.98, 066803 (2007).
X.Oriols, E.Fernàndez-Díaz, A.Alvarez and A.Alarcón “An Electron injection model for time-dependent simulators of nanoscale devices with electron confinement: Application to the comparison of the intrinsic noise of 3D-, 2D- and 1D- ballistic transistors” Solid State Electronics, vol. 51, 306 (2007)
X .Oriols “A Many-particle Quantum-trajectory Approach for Modeling Electron Transport and its Correlations in Nanoscale Devices” Journal of computational Electronics, Vol. 6, 239 (2007)
X.Oriols and E.Fernandez-Diaz “Electron Injection Model for the Particle Simulation of 3D, 2D, and 1D Nanoscale FETs” Journal of computational Electronics, Vol. 6, 7 (2007)
X.Oriols, A.Alarcon and L.Baella “Dynamically modulated tunneling for multipurpose electron devices: Application to THz frequency multiplication” Solid State Electrònics, Vol. 51, 1287 (2007)