[25] “Aqueous Phase Synthesized CdSe Magic-Sized Clusters: Solution Composition Dependence of Adsorption Layer Structure” Y.-S. Park, Y. Okamoto, N. Kaji, M. Tokeshi, Y. Baba, J. Nanosci. Nanotech. Accepted.
[24] “Aqueous Phase-Synthesized Small CdSe Quantum Dots: Adsorption Layer Structure and Strong Band-Edge and Surface Trap Emission” Y.-S. Park, Y. Okamoto, N. Kaji, M. Tokeshi, Y. Baba, J. Nanoparticle Research. In press.
[23] “UHV-EC Studies of Ultrathin Pd Films on Pt(111): 1. Electrodeposition by Potentiostatic Method” J. H. Baricuatro, Y.-S. Park, M. A. Hossain, M. P. Soriaga, Philipp. Scient. 47, 93–125 (2010).
[22] "Aqueous Phase-Synthesized CdSe Nanoparticles with Well-Defined Numbers of Constituent Atoms" Y.-S. Park, A. Dmytruk, I. Dmitruk, A. Kasuya, Y. Okamoto, N. Kaji, M. Tokeshi, Y. Baba, J. Phys. Chem. C 114, 18834-18840 (2010).
[21] “UHV-EC Characterization of Ultrathin films Electrodeposited on Well-Defined Noble Metals. I: Pd on Pt(111)” J. H. Baricuatro, M. A. Hossain, Y.-S. Park, M. P. Soriaga, Electrocatalysis 1, 28-33 (2010).
[20] “Size-selective Growth and Stabilization of Small CdSe Nanoparticles in Aqueous Solution” Y.-S. Park, A. Dmytruk, I. Dmitruk, A. Kasuya, M. Takeda, N. Ohuchi, Y. Okamoto, N. Kaji, M. Tokeshi, Y. Baba, ACS Nano 4, 121-128 (2010).
[19] “Local Plasmons Contribution into Photocurrent of Au/GaAs Surface Barrier Structure with Au Nanoparticles on Interface” S. Mamykin, N. Dmitruk, A. Korovin, D. Naumenko, A. Dmytruk, Y.-S. Park, Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics 12, 315-320 (2009).
[18] “Poly (Methyl Mettacrylate) Microchip Gel Elecrophoresis for the Concentration and Separation of Aptamer and AAptamer-Thrombin Complex with Discontinuous Buffers” J. Wang, Y. Zhang, Y.-S. Park, Y. Okamoto, N. Kaji, M. Tokeshi, Y. Baba, Proceedings of μTAS 2009, 1, 791-793 (2009).
[17] “Interfacial Structure and Chemistry of Potentiodynamically Electrodeposited Ultrathin Pd Films on Pt(111)” Y.-S. Park, J. H. Baricuatro, M. A. Hossain, M. P. Soriaga, ECS Trans. 19, 25-42 (2009).
[16] “Cell separation by the combination of microfluidics and optical trapping force on a microchip” M. Murata, Y. Okamoto, Y.-S. Park, N. Kaji, M. Tokeshi, Y. Baba, Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 394, 277-283 (2009).
[15] “On-chip fabrication of mutifunctional envelope-type nano devices for gene delivery” H. Kuramoto, Y.-S. Park, N. Kaji, M. Tokeshi, K. Kogure, Y. Shinohara, H. Harashima, Y. Baba, Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 391, 2729-2733 (2008).
[14] “Aqueous-Phase Synthesis of Ultra-stable Small CdSe Nanoparticles” Y.-S. Park, A. Dmytruk, I. Dmitruk, Y. Noda, A. Kasuya, M. Takeda, N. Ohuchi, J. Nanosci. Nanotech. 7, 3750-3753 (2007).
[13] “Silicon Subiodide Clusters” A. Dmytruk, Y.-S. Park, A. Kasuya, H. Kikuchi, M. Takahashi, Y. Kawazoe, A. Watanabe, J. Nanosci. Nanotech. 7, 3788-3791 (2007).
[12] “Highly-Ordered Ultrathin Pd Films on Pt(111): Electrodeposition and Structural Characterization” Y.-S. Park, J. Baricuatro, M. Hossain, M.P. Soriaga, ECS Trans. 3, 65-103 (2007).
[11] “The Interaction of Bromide Ions with Pd(100) Single-Crystal Electrode Surfaces: Studies by UHV-EC” A. Carrasquillo, Jr., J. H. Baricuatro, M. A. Hossain, Y.-S. Park, J. J. Jeng, M. P. Soriaga, ECS Trans. 3, 169-186 (2007).
[10] “Concentrated Colloids of Silica-encapsulated Gold Nanoparticles: Colloidal Stability, Cytotoxicity, and X-ray Absorption” Y.-S. Park, A. Kasuya, A Dmytruk, N. Yasuto, M. Takeda, N. Ohuchi, Y. Sato, K. Tohji, M. Uo, F. Watari, J. Nanosci. Nanotech. 7, 2690-2695 (2007).
[9] “X-ray Absorption of the Gold Nanoparticles with Thin Silica Shell” Y.-S. Park, L.M. Liz-Marzán, A. Kasuya, Y. Kobayashi, D. Nagao, M. Konno, S. Mamykin, A. Dmytruk, M. Takeda, N. Ohuchi, J. Nanosci. Nanotech., 6, 3503-3506 (2006).
[8] “Metal nanoparticles reductively grown in silica nanoparticle solution and in porous silica” A. Dmytruk, A. Kasuya, S. Mamykin, Y.-S. Park, V. Ovechko, A. Schur, A. Watanabe, N. Ohuchi, Semiconductor Nanocrystals 2, 375-378 (2005).
[7] “Surface-oxide growth at platinum electrodes in aqueous H2SO4. Reexamination of its mechanism through combined cyclic-voltammetry, electrochemical quartz-crystal nanobalance, and Auger electron spectroscopy measurements” G. Jerkiewicz, G. Vatankhah, J. Lessard, M.P. Soriaga, Y.-S. Park, Electrochim. Acta 49, 1451-1459 (2004).
[6] “Molecular adsorption at well-defined electrode surfaces: Benzene on Pd(111) studied by EC-STM and HREELS”, Y.-G. Kim, J.E. Soto, X. Chen, Y.-S. Park, M.P. Soriaga, J. Electroanal. Chem. 554-555, 167-174 (2003).
[5] “Surface organometallic chemistry of well-defined palladium electrodes” Y.-G. Kim, X. Chen, Y.-S. Park, J.H. Baricuatro, J. Sanabria-Chinchilla, M.P. Soriaga, J. Argentine Chem. Soc. 91, 1-22 (2003).
[4] “Molecular chemisorption at well-defined Pd(111) electrode surfaces: hydroquinone sulfonate studied by UHV-EC-STM” J.E. Soto, Y.G. Kim, X. Chen, Y.-S. Park, M.P. Soriaga, J. Electroanal. Chem. 500, 374-378 (2001).
[3] “Surface electrochemistry of well-defined palladium electrodes” Y.-G. Kim, Y.-S. Park, X. Chen, M.P. Soriaga, A. Carrasquillo, Current Topics in Electrochemistry 8, 67-81 (2001).
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